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Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - Versione stampabile

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Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - friskon - 02-06-2010

Ecco un programma per giocare con giochi prodotti in Fps Creator X9 in una finestra.

Video :

Autore : knxrb
Licenza : Free
Download : Window

RE: Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - David - 03-06-2010

si chiama windowed mode se non sbaglio xD

RE: Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - happymklivedd92 - 05-07-2010

come si usa?

RE: Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - friskon - 06-07-2010

non ti so dire, non l'ho mai provato, perchè non mi serve... aspettiamo qualcuno che l'ha provato...

RE: Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - happymklivedd92 - 06-07-2010

c'è lo hai postato e non lo hai mai usato vabbe..grazie lo stesso

RE: Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - friskon - 06-07-2010

e che dovrei testare tutto quello che posto ? O.o ma testatelo da solo...

RE: Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - GEARS_CORPORATION - 06-07-2010

happymklivedd92 queste sono le istruzioni:
[spoiler]FPSC - Windowed Mode by knxrb

In this zip file you will have an exe file and a 'Files' folder.
To use windowed mode copy the executable file to the same folder as the 'FPSC-Game.exe' file for your game.
Then copy the files you have in the 'Files' folder and copy them into your game 'Files' folder.
The 'FPSC - Windowed Mode.exe' file can be renamed to anything you want.

You can customise the window by editing the 'windowed.txt' file in the 'Files' folder.
Here are the customising commands:

Windowtitle=Text Sets the text seen in the title of the window.
showicon=True/False Sets whether the icon is shown in the top-left corner of the window.
windowicon=File Location Sets the image to use as the icon that is shown in the top-left corner of the window (showicon=X must be true)
windowwidth=Number Sets the width of the window when the window loads.
windowheight=Number Sets the height of the window when the window loads.
windowmaximised=True/False Sets whether the window is started maximised or not (If true it overrides the width and height commands).
allowminimise=True/False Sets whether the window can be minimised or not (Set both minimise and maximise to False to show only the X button).
allowmaximise=True/False Sets whether the window can be maximised or not (Set both minimise and maximise to False to show only the X button).
executable=File Location Sets location of the game executable (Can be in any subfolder or main folder).
embeddelay=Number Sets delay between window launch and game embed (Keep increasing this by 100 if the embedding doesn't work for you) (Milliseconds).
trapmouse=True/False Sets whether the mouse gets trapped inside the window (Set this to true only if using loading and saving in your game).
loadingtext=Text Sets text to show while the game and window embed loads.
playingtext=Text Sets text to show while the game is running (not visible unless window resized).
closingtext=Text Sets text to show while the game closes.

An example of a 'windowed.txt' file have been given to you in the 'Files' folder.

You can choose to store your game 'FPSC-Game.exe' file to the 'Files' folder to make it look neater if you want to. Just move it to the 'Files' folder and change the line in the 'windowed.txt' file.[/spoiler]

RE: Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - happymklivedd92 - 07-07-2010

non volevo offendere nessuno ma se io posto una cosa spiego in italiano come si usa e lo provata ...cmq pace
ps Gears potresti spiegarmelo in italiano con google translate nn si capisce nnt

RE: Fpsc Giocare in una Finesta senza fullscreen - GEARS_CORPORATION - 07-07-2010

ho provato ank'io e nn riesco a farlo lo traduce male e nn si capisce tanto in inglese...