Creare Videogiochi - Game Developer

Versione completa: [Ufficiale] fpsc model pack 57-58
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model pack 57:

•21 new military themed zombies, both WW2 and modern day
•All characters use hit zone detection, and will react realistically depending on which body part is shot
•Make fast moving zombies fall to the ground and crawl by shooting their legs!
•Advanced scripts make the zombie behave unpredictably, they will try and flank the player or zigzag in a meandering way

model pack 58:

Weapons in this pack:
•M1 Carabine
•M1 Garand

come vi sembrano?
per fare un gioco stile cod 5 il model pack 58 è perfetto, anche se quel coltello è poco realistico, da la coltellata a rallentatore xDD