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Free Learning - Packt Publishing
Ciao a tutti, come alcuni sapranno, la casa editrice Packt Publishing ogni giorno da un libro gratis scaricabile in diversi formati digitali e solo in lingua inglese, a volte capita che uno di questi libri riguardi il mondo del creare videogiochi, quindi questa discussione l'ho creata per segnalarvi qualche interessante libro per imparare senza spendere niente, il link è questo, vi dovete prima iscrivere, poi potrete scaricare.
Oggi free: Getting Started with Unity 5

Leverage the power of Unity 5 to create amazing 3D games

- Learn to create interactive games with the Unity 5 game engine
- Explore advanced features of Unity 5 to help make your games more appealing and successful
- A step-by-step guide giving you the perfect start to developing games with Unity 5
Ricordatevi che oggi è la UNITY WEEK quindi per i prossimi 6gg ci saranno tutti libri a tema dispobili
Oggi Mastering Unity 2D Game Development

Mastering Unity 2D Game Development will give your game development skills a boost and help you begin creating and building an RPG with Unity 2D game framework
  • Learn the advanced features of Unity 2D to change and customize games to suit your needs
  • Discover tips and tricks for Unity2D’s new toolset
  • Understand scripting, deployment, and platform integration with an example at each step
  • Get a whole life-cycle overview of game development, from advanced scripting, monetization, marketing and deployment
Unity 5 for Android Essentials

A fast-paced guide to building impressive games and applications for Android devices with Unity 5
  • Design beautiful effects, animations, physical behaviors, and other different real-world features for your Android games and applications
  • Optimize your project and any other real-world projects for Android devices
  • Follows a tutorial-based approach to learning the best practices for accessing Android functionality, rendering high-end graphics, and expanding your project using Asset Bundles
Unity3D UI Essentials

Leverage the power of the new and improved UI system for Unity to enhance your games and apps
  • Discover how to build efficient UI layouts coping with multiple resolutions and screen sizes
  • In-depth overview of all the new UI features that give you creative freedom to drive your game development to new heights.
  • Walk through many different examples of UI layout from simple 2D overlays to in-game 3D implementations
Learning Unity Physics

Learn to implement physics in interactive development using the powerful components of Unity3D
  • Learn how to utilize the robust features of Unity3D to develop physics-based interactive applications and games
  • Optimize your application performance while using physics in Unity3D
  • An easy-to-follow guide accompanied by examples, which will help developers to learn and apply physics to games
Unity Game Development Scripting

Write efficient C# scripts to create modular key game elements that are usable for any kind of Unity project
  • Write customizable scripts that are easy to adjust to suit the needs of different projects
  • Combine your knowledge of modular scripting elements to build a complete game
  • Build key game features, from player inventories to friendly and enemy artificial intelligence
Scusatemi per il ritardo.
Unity Game Development Blueprints

Unity 3D is a powerful and popular game development tool that has taken game developers by storm. It is a cross-platform game engine, enabling you to write your game once and then port it to PCs, consoles, and even the Web, making it a great choice for both indie and AAA developers. Unity combines serious power with a friendly, easy-to-use interface.

Unity Game Development Blueprints takes you on an exciting journey where you'll learn how to use Unity to its best by building a project in 2D, then a 3D game with 2D gameplay, and finally a 3D title.

An easy-to-follow guide with each project containing step-by-step explanations, diagrams, screenshots, and downloadable materials. Concepts in Unity and C# are explained.

E questo era l'ultimo per la settimana. Ogni giorno una copia free!
Per tutto oggi GLSL Essentials disponibile free
Lo stavo per postare anche io Big Grin

GLSL Essentials

If you’re involved in graphics programming, you need to know about shaders, and this is the book to do it. A hands-on guide to the OpenGL Shading Language, it walks you through the absolute basics to advanced techniques.
Learn about shaders in a step-by-step, interactive manner
Create stunning visual effects using vertex and fragment shaders
Simplify your CPU code and improve your overall performance with instanced drawing through the use of geometry shaders
Scusate per il ritardo ma solo oggi 17/07 sono disponibili due libri sul game dev:
Getting started making video games
What you need to know about Unity 5
[Immagine: Skillup_3.jpg]

Oggi disponibile lo SkillUp 2016, un report che analizza l'andamento delle professioni e degli strumenti IT (in generale no VideoGame).
Utile se si vuole dare uno sguardo a dove stia andando l'IT. Comunque è sempre bene ascoltare/leggere più campane, mi raccomando Wink
Da notare a pagina 14/24 l'elenco dei tools più usati dove compaiono, con una certa predominanza nelle piccole aziende, nomi come Blender, Unity, Unreal (il più usato), Virtual Reality :Tongue probabile che il comparto VG e USA nell'industria del VG dia il suo contributo.
Learning NGUI for Unity

Leverage the power of NGUI for Unity to create stunning mobile and PC games and user interfaces
Get to grips with NGUI for both PC and mobile devices
Create fully functional 2D and 3D cross-platform user interfaces
A step-by-step guide, full of examples to help you quickly build widgets and user-friendly GUI for your games

Un must per lo sviluppo multimobile, da poco acquisito da Microsoft

[Immagine: 9183OT_cov.jpg]
Xamarin Mobile Application Development for iOS

If you want to develop iOS apps with Xamarin, and this comprehensive tutorial has it all. Covering everything from the UI to using TestFlight, it’s your fast route to the App Store.
[Immagine: 3203OS_Blender%202.5%20Character%20Anima...okbook.jpg]
Solo per oggi animazione di personaggi con Blender 2.5
With this highly focused book you’ll learn how to bring your characters to life using Blender, employing everything from realistic movement to refined eye control. Written in a user-friendly manner, it’s the only guide dedicated to this subject.
Learn how to create efficient and easy to use character rigs
Understand and make your characters , so that your audience believes they're alive
See common approaches when animating your characters in real world situations
Learn the techniques needed to achieve various setups, from IK-FK blending to corrective shape keys and eyes controllers
The only book to cover advanced aspects of working with character animation in Blender.
E' un sito magnifico,magari ce ne fossero altri come questo Cool Big Grin .
Comunque quando ho cliccato sul link che hai messo al posto di blender mi è uscito un ebook su fl studio,ormai quello su blender non posso più prenderlo?
Eh non puoi più prenderlo, era disponibile fino all'una di notte.
(25-08-2016, 10:21 AM)springofdajuwn Ha scritto: Eh non puoi più prenderlo, era disponibile fino all'una di notte.

mi sono accorto Confused ,intanto mi sono scaricato l'ebook di fl studio....non è uno che uno di voi ha scaricato anche qualche ebook interessante in passato e me lo potrebbe condividere??  Smile Big Grin
Metto in post in rilievo, consiglio a tutti di farsi l'account, cosa tra l'altro necessaria per scaricarli e poi inscrivetevi nelle "newsletter preferences" al canale Free Stuff e a tutti gli altri che vi interessano.

Io personalmente ho il link sul desktop dello smartphone, lo controllo ogni mattina appena svegliato, mentre prendo il caffellatte con i consueti 11 biscottoni della Mulino Bianco Big Grin
[Immagine: 5046OTcov.jpg]

Oggi abbiamo "OpenGL Development Cookbook". Basato sulle OpenGL 3.3, quindi datato ma se vi interessa il collezionismo non fatevelo scappare, come sempre solo per oggi 06.09.2016-
[Immagine: 3730_8859OS_Learning%20Java%20by%20Build...0Games.jpg]

Oggi Learning Java by Building Android Games
Extend your game development skills while learning Java – follow this book and learn Java for Android to enter the world of Android games development with greater confidence
Acquaint yourself with Java and object-oriented programming, from zero previous experience
Build four cool games for your phone and tablet, from retro arcade-style games to memory and education games, and gain the knowledge to design and create your own games too
Walk through the fundamentals of building games and use that experience as a springboard to study advanced game development or just have fun

Aahh siamo mattinieri oggi eehh? Tongue
Già, ti ho battuto sul tempo ahahah Tongue
Ero li con la macina inzuppata a metà.. ho visto il tuo messaggio.. non credevo ai miei occhi e ho perso l'attimo, quindi mi si spezzata nel latte.. mi devi mezza macina!! Angry
Te la spedirò con il corriere entro 24 ore Big Grin
Fine OT.
[Immagine: 8333OS_Mastering%20Android%20NDK_.jpg]

Oggi Mastering Android NDK

Android NDK is used for multimedia applications that require direct access to system resources. NDK is also the key for portability, which in turn allows a reasonably comfortable development and debugging process using familiar tools such as GCC and Clang toolchains. This is a hands-on guide to extending your game development skills with Android NDK. The book takes you through many clear, step-by-step example applications to help you further explore the features of Android NDK and some popular C++ libraries and boost your productivity by debugging the development process. Through the course of this book, you will learn how to write portable multi-threaded native code, use HTTP networking in C++, play audio files, use OpenGL ES 3, and render high-quality text. Each chapter aims to take you one step closer to building your application. By the end of this book, you will be able to create an engaging, complete gaming application!

[Immagine: 0122OS_Android%20Game%20Programming%20by%20Example_.jpg]
Android Game Programming by Example

Android gaming is a hot topic these days, but one of the few areas of technology that does not have an abundance of clear and useful documentation online. However, there is an ever-increasing demand for Android games. This book will help you get up to speed with the essentials of game development with Android. The book begins by teaching you the setup of a game development environment on a fundamental level. Moving on, the book deals with concepts such as building a home screen UI, implementing game objects, and painting the scene at a fixed resolution. Gradually, it builds up to the implementation of a flexible and advanced game engine that uses OpenGL ES 2 for fast, smooth frame rates. This is achieved by starting with a simple game and gradually increasing the complexity of the three complete games built step by step. By the end of the book, you will have successfully built three exciting games over the course of three engrossing and insightful projects.
[Immagine: 8553OS.jpg]

Augmented Reality for Android Application Development

Pokemon Go has shown the world the potential of augmented reality. Make your idea for an AR app a reality with this free and practical guide to building AR apps in Android. Augmented Reality for Android Application Development enables you to implement sensor-based and computer vision-based AR applications on Android devices. You will learn about the theoretical foundations and practical details of implemented AR applications, and you will be provided with hands-on examples that will enable you to quickly develop and deploy novel AR applications on your own.
[Immagine: 4609OS_cov.jpg]

Blender Cycles: Lighting and Rendering Cookbook

If you’re already au fait with Blender, this book gives extra power to your artist’s elbow with a fantastic grounding in Cycles. Packed with tips and recipes, it makes light work of the toughest concepts.

Get acquainted with the lighting and rendering concepts of the Blender Cycles engine.
Learn the concepts behind nodes shader system and get the best out of Cycles in any situation.
Packed with illustrations and a lot of tips and tricks to make your scenes come to life.


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