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[SCRIPT] Gino Banksystem
Questo script aggiunge una banca dove depositare o prelevare soldi... Voi direte: "Ma a che serve?". E io vi rispondo: "Continuate a leggere!" xD.
In aggiunta al solito "deposita e preleva", potrete investire il vostro denaro in due differenti modi:
-Più cammini, più guadagni;
-Più tempo giochi, più guadagni!


Inserire lo script sotto Materials.
Per avviare la banca inserire in un call sript
$scene = Scene_Bank.new

# GINO_BankSystem
# Put the command:
#  $scene = Scene_Bank.new
# in CallScript inside an event.


module BANK

  #Commands' Text
  CMDTEXT = ["Deposita", #0
            "Ritira", #1
            "Investi", #2
            "Disinvesti", #3
            "Esci", #4
            "Sì", #5
            "No", #6
            "Step's Bros.", #7
            "Clock&Watch", #8

  #Messages' Text
  MSGTEXT = ["Come posso aiutarla?", #0
            "Quanto vuole depositare?", #1
            "Sei sicuro di depositare % &?", #2
            "Spiacente, ma lei non ha % & da depositare!", #3
            "Grazie. Il suo denaro è stato depositato con successo.", #4
            "Quanto vuoi ritirare?", #5
            "Sei sicuro di voler ritirare % &?", #6
            "Grazie. Il suo denaro è stato ritirato con successo.", #7
            "Scegli quali azioni intendi comprare.", #8
            "Acquista azioni Step's Bros. Costo unitario = 100 &", #9
            "Acquista azioni Clock&Watch. Costo unitario = 100 %", #10
            "Spiacente, ma lei non ha % & da investire!", #11
            "Grazie. Il suo denaro è stato investito con successo.", #12
            "Scegli quali azioni intendi disinvestire.", #13
            "Quante azioni Step's Bros vuoi disinvestire?", #14
            "Quante azioni Clock&Watch vuoi disinvestire?", #15
            "Confermi l'acquisto di % azioni Step's Bros.?", #16
            "Confermi l'acquisto di % azioni Clock&Watch?", #17
            "Grazie. Il suo denaro è stato disinvestito con successo.", #18
            "Spiacente, ma lei non ha % & da ritirare!", #19
            "Confermi la vendita di % azioni Step's Bros.?", #20
            "Confermi la vendita di % azioni Clock&Watch?", #21
            "Non possiedi % azioni della Step's Bros.!", #22
            "Non possiedi % azioni della Clock&Watch!", #23

  #Helps' Text
  HELPTEXT = ["Posseduti", #0
              "Depositati", #1
              "Step's Bros.", #2
              "Clock&Watch", #3
              "Investiti", #4

  #Storage Variables
  MEMORIZE = 19   #Temporarily stores gold involved in transation
  DEPOSIT = 20    #Stores gold deposited in bank
  SSTOCKS = 25    #Stores number of Step Stocks
  TSTOCKS = 26    #Stores number of Time Stocks
  SSTEPS = 23     #Stores initial Stepcount
  TGT = 24        #Stores initial Gametime


# Window_BankMessage
class Window_BankMessage < Window_Base

  def initialize(message)
    super(0, 0, 544, WLH + 40)
    @message = message

  def refresh
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 512, WLH, @message, 1)


# Window_InHand
class Window_InHand < Window_Base

  def initialize
    super(0, 0, 160, WLH + 62)

  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 136, WLH, BANK::HELPTEXT[0], 0)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    draw_currency_value($game_party.gold, 4, 32, 120)


# Window_InBank
class Window_InBank < Window_Base

  def initialize
    super(0, 0, 160, WLH + 62)

  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 136, WLH, BANK::HELPTEXT[1], 0)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    draw_currency_value($game_variables[BANK::DEPOSIT], 4, 32, 120)


# Window_SInvested
class Window_SInvested < Window_Base

  def initialize
    super(0, 0, 160, WLH + 62)

  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 136, WLH, BANK::HELPTEXT[2], 0)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    tot = $game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS] * 100
    draw_currency_value(tot, 4, 32, 120)


# Window_TInvested
class Window_TInvested < Window_Base

  def initialize
    super(0, 0, 160, WLH + 62)

  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 136, WLH, BANK::HELPTEXT[3], 0)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    tot = $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS] * 100
    draw_currency_value(tot, 4, 32, 120)


# Window_AllInvested
class Window_AllInvested < Window_Base

  def initialize
    super(0, 0, 160, WLH + 62)

  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 136, WLH, BANK::HELPTEXT[4], 0)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    tot = ($game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS] + $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS]) * 100
    draw_currency_value(tot, 4, 32, 120)


# Window_BankInput
class Window_BankInput < Window_Base

  def initialize
    super(0, 0, 190, 64)
    @number = 0
    @digits_max = 6
    @index = 0
    self.opacity = 0
    self.active = false
    self.z += 9999

  def number
    return @number

  def number=(number)
    @number = [[number, 0].max, 10 ** @digits_max - 1].min
    @index = 0

  def digits_max
    return @digits_max

  def digits_max=(digits_max)
    @digits_max = digits_max

  def cursor_right(wrap)
    if @index < @digits_max - 1 or wrap
      @index = (@index + 1) % @digits_max

  def cursor_left(wrap)
    if @index > 0 or wrap
      @index = (@index + @digits_max - 1) % @digits_max

  def update
    if self.active
      if Input.repeat?(Input::UP) or Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)
        place = 10 ** (@digits_max - 1 - @index)
        n = @number / place % 10
        @number -= n * place
        n = (n + 1) % 10 if Input.repeat?(Input::UP)
        n = (n + 9) % 10 if Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)
        @number += n * place
      last_index = @index
      if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT)
      if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT)
      if @index != last_index

  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    s = sprintf("%0*d", @digits_max, @number)
    for i in 0...@digits_max
      self.contents.draw_text(24 + i * 16, 0, 16, WLH, s[i,1], 1)

  def update_cursor
    self.cursor_rect.set(24 + @index * 16, 0, 16, WLH)

# Scene_Bank
class Scene_Bank < Scene_Base

  def start

  def terminate

  def update
    if @command_window.active

  def create_main_windows
    @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[0])
    @inhand = Window_InHand.new
    @inhand.y = (416 - @inhand.height)
    @inbank = Window_InBank.new
    @inbank.x = @inhand.width
    @inbank.y = (416 - @inbank.height)
    @allinvested = Window_AllInvested.new
    @allinvested.x = @inhand.width + @inbank.width
    @allinvested.y = (416 - @allinvested.height)

  def create_command_window
    @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [BANK::CMDTEXT[0], BANK::CMDTEXT[1], BANK::CMDTEXT[2], BANK::CMDTEXT[3], BANK::CMDTEXT[4]])
    @command_window.index = 0
    @command_window.y = @main.y + @main.height

  def update_command
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene = Scene_Map.new
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.index
      when 0
        $scene = Scene_Deposit.new
      when 1
        $scene = Scene_Withdraw.new
      when 2
        $scene = Scene_PreInvest.new
      when 3
        $scene = Scene_PreDivest.new
      when 4
        $scene = Scene_Map.new


# Scene_Deposit
class Scene_Deposit < Scene_Base

  def start

  def terminate

  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene = Scene_Bank.new
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] = @number_window.number
      $scene = Scene_Confirm.new(1)

  def create_main_windows
    @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[1])
    @number_window = Window_BankInput.new
    @number_window.digits_max = 7
    @number_window.active = true
    @number_window.number = $game_variables[BANK::DEPOSIT]
    @number_window.opacity = 255
    @number_window.y = @main.height


# Scene_Withdraw
class Scene_Withdraw < Scene_Base

  def start

  def terminate

  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene = Scene_Bank.new
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] = @number_window.number
      $scene = Scene_Confirm.new(2)

  def create_main_windows
    @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[5])
    @number_window = Window_BankInput.new
    @number_window.digits_max = 7
    @number_window.active = true
    @number_window.number = $game_variables[BANK::DEPOSIT]
    @number_window.opacity = 255
    @number_window.y = @main.height


# Scene_PreInvest
class Scene_PreInvest < Scene_Base

  def start

  def terminate

  def update
    if @command_window.active

  def create_main_windows
    @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[8])
    @sinvested = Window_SInvested.new
    @sinvested.y = (416 - @sinvested.height)
    @tinvested = Window_TInvested.new
    @tinvested.x = @sinvested.width
    @tinvested.y = (416 - @tinvested.height)

  def create_command_window
    @command_window = Window_Command.new(180, [BANK::CMDTEXT[7], BANK::CMDTEXT[8], BANK::CMDTEXT[4]])
    @command_window.index = 0
    @command_window.y = @main.y + @main.height

  def update_command
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene = Scene_Bank.new
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.index
      when 0
        $scene = Scene_Invest.new(1)
      when 1
        $scene = Scene_Invest.new(2)
      when 2
        $scene = Scene_Bank.new


# Scene_PreDivest
class Scene_PreDivest < Scene_Base

  def start

  def terminate

  def update
    if @command_window.active

  def create_main_windows
    @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[13])
    @sinvested = Window_SInvested.new
    @sinvested.y = (416 - @sinvested.height)
    @tinvested = Window_TInvested.new
    @tinvested.x = @sinvested.width
    @tinvested.y = (416 - @tinvested.height)

  def create_command_window
    @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [BANK::CMDTEXT[7], BANK::CMDTEXT[8], BANK::CMDTEXT[4]])
    @command_window.index = 0
    @command_window.y = @main.y + @main.height
    #semi-transparent button if there's no stock
    @command_window.draw_item(0, false) if $game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS] == 0
    @command_window.draw_item(1, false) if $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS] == 0  

  def update_command
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene = Scene_Map.new
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.index
      when 0
        if $game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS] != 0
          $scene = Scene_Divest.new(1)
      when 1
        if $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS] != 0
          $scene = Scene_Divest.new(2)
      when 2
        $scene = Scene_Bank.new


# Scene_Invest
class Scene_Invest < Scene_Base

  def initialize(scene)
    @scene = scene

  def start

  def terminate

  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene = Scene_PreInvest.new
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] = @number_window.number
      $scene = Scene_Confirm.new(2 + @scene)

  def create_main_windows
    if @scene == 1 #Step Invest
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[9].gsub(/&/) {$data_system.terms.gold})
      @number_window = Window_BankInput.new
      @number_window.digits_max = 5
      @number_window.active = true
      @number_window.number = 0
      @number_window.opacity = 255
      @number_window.y = @main.height
    elsif @scene == 2 #Time Invest
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[10].gsub(/%/) {$data_system.terms.gold})
      @number_window = Window_BankInput.new
      @number_window.digits_max = 5
      @number_window.active = true
      @number_window.number = 0
      @number_window.opacity = 255
      @number_window.y = @main.height
    @sinvested = Window_SInvested.new
    @sinvested.y = (416 - @sinvested.height)
    @tinvested = Window_TInvested.new
    @tinvested.x = @sinvested.width
    @tinvested.y = (416 - @tinvested.height)

end #class

# Scene_Divest
class Scene_Divest < Scene_Base

  def initialize(scene)
    @scene = scene

  def start

  def terminate

  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene = Scene_PreDivest.new
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] = @number_window.number
      $scene = Scene_Confirm.new(4 + @scene)

  def create_main_windows
    if @scene == 1 #Step Divest
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[14])
      @number_window = Window_BankInput.new
      @number_window.digits_max = 5
      @number_window.active = true
      @number_window.number = 0
      @number_window.opacity = 255
      @number_window.y = @main.height
    elsif @scene == 2 #Time Divest
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[15])
      @number_window = Window_BankInput.new
      @number_window.digits_max = 5
      @number_window.active = true
      @number_window.number = 0
      @number_window.opacity = 255
      @number_window.y = @main.height
    @sinvested = Window_SInvested.new
    @sinvested.y = (416 - @sinvested.height)
    @tinvested = Window_TInvested.new
    @tinvested.x = @sinvested.width
    @tinvested.y = (416 - @tinvested.height)

end #class

# Scene_Confirm
class Scene_Confirm < Scene_Base

  def get_time_int(stocks)
    time = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate - $game_variables[BANK::TGT]
    return (time / 144) * stocks

  def get_step_int(stocks)
    steps = $game_party.steps - $game_variables[BANK::SSTEPS]
    return (steps / 288) * stocks

  def initialize(scene)
    @scene = scene

  def start

  def terminate

  def update
    if @command_window.active

  def create_main_windows
    if @scene == 1 #deposit
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[2].gsub(/% &/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s + " " + $data_system.terms.gold})
    elsif @scene == 2 #withdraw
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[6].gsub(/% &/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s + " " + $data_system.terms.gold})
    elsif @scene == 3 #step_invest
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[16].gsub(/%/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s})
    elsif @scene == 4 #time_invest
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[17].gsub(/%/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s})
    elsif @scene == 5 #step_divest
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[20].gsub(/%/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s})
    elsif @scene == 6 #time_divest
      @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[21].gsub(/%/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s})
    @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [BANK::CMDTEXT[5], BANK::CMDTEXT[6]])
    @command_window.x = (544 - @command_window.width) / 2
    @command_window.y = 200

  def update_command
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      if @scene == 1 #deposit
        $scene = Scene_Deposit.new
      elsif @scene == 2 #withdraw
        $scene = Scene_Withdraw.new
      elsif @scene == 3 #step_invest
        $scene = Scene_Invest.new(1)
      elsif @scene == 4 #time_invest
        $scene = Scene_Invest.new(2)
      elsif @scene == 5 #step_divest
        $scene = Scene_Divest.new(1)
      elsif @scene == 6 #time_divest
        $scene = Scene_Divest.new(2)
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.index
      when 0
        if @scene == 1 #deposit
          if $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] > $game_party.gold
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[3].gsub(/% &/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s + " " + $data_system.terms.gold})
            $scene = Scene_Deposit.new
          elsif $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] <= $game_party.gold
            Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/Shop", 100, 100)
            $game_variables[BANK::DEPOSIT] += $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE]
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[4])
            $scene = Scene_Bank.new
          end #if
        elsif @scene == 2 #withdraw
          if $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] > $game_variables[BANK::DEPOSIT]
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[19].gsub(/% &/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s + " " + $data_system.terms.gold})
            $scene = Scene_Withdraw.new
          elsif $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] <= $game_variables[BANK::DEPOSIT]
            Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/Shop", 100, 100)
            $game_variables[BANK::DEPOSIT] -= $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE]
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[7])
            $scene = Scene_Bank.new
        elsif @scene == 3 #step_invest
          if $game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS] > 0
            int = get_step_int($game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS])
            Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/Shop", 100, 100)
          value = $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] * 100
          if value > $game_party.gold
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[11].gsub(/% &/) {value.to_s + " " + $data_system.terms.gold})
            $scene = Scene_Invest.new(1)
          elsif value <= $game_party.gold
            Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/Shop", 100, 100)
            $game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS] += $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE]
            $game_variables[BANK::SSTEPS] = $game_party.steps
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[12])
            $scene = Scene_Bank.new
          end #if
        elsif @scene == 4 #time_invest
          if $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS] > 0
            int = get_time_int($game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS])
            Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/Shop", 100, 100)
          value = $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] * 100
          if value > $game_party.gold
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[11].gsub(/% &/) {value.to_s + " " + $data_system.terms.gold})
            $scene = Scene_Invest.new(2)
          elsif value <= $game_party.gold
            Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/Shop", 100, 100)
            $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS] += $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE]
            $game_variables[BANK::TGT] = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[12])
            $scene = Scene_Bank.new
          end #if
        elsif @scene == 5 #step_divest
          if $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] > $game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS]
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[22].gsub(/%/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s})
            $scene = Scene_Divest.new(1)
          elsif $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] <= $game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS]
            int = get_step_int($game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS])
            int += 100 * $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE]
            Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/Shop", 100, 100)
            $game_variables[BANK::SSTOCKS] -= $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE]
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[18])
            $scene = Scene_Bank.new
        elsif @scene == 6 #time_divest
          if $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] > $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS]
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[23].gsub(/%/) {$game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE].to_s})
            $scene = Scene_Divest.new(2)
          elsif $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE] <= $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS]
            int = get_time_int($game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS])
            int += 100 * $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE]
            Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/Shop", 100, 100)
            $game_variables[BANK::TSTOCKS] -= $game_variables[BANK::MEMORIZE]
            @main = Window_BankMessage.new(BANK::MSGTEXT[18])
            $scene = Scene_Bank.new
        end #if      
      when 1
        if @scene == 1 #deposit
          $scene = Scene_Deposit.new
        elsif @scene == 2 #withdraw
          $scene = Scene_Withdraw.new
        elsif @scene == 3 #step_invest
          $scene = Scene_Invest.new(1)
        elsif @scene == 4 #time_invest
          $scene = Scene_Invest.new(2)
        elsif @scene == 5 #step_divest
          $scene = Scene_Divest.new(1)
        elsif @scene == 6 #time_divest
          $scene = Scene_Divest.new(2)
        end #if
      end #case
    end #if
  end #def
end #class


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[SCRIPT] Gino Banksystem - da Johnny 97 - 14-09-2011, 12:33 PM

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